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Construction of an airbase for F-35 fighters begins in Finland

Construction of an airbase for F-35 fighters begins in Finland Construction of an airbase for F-35 fighters has begun in Finland (Photo: Getty Images)

Finland has commenced the construction of an airbase where they plan to deploy F-35 fighter jets of American production, Yle reported.

The construction began in the Finnish city of Rovaniemi. The first F-35s are expected to be delivered there in 2026, and they intend to operate them until the 2060s.

Preparatory work began in June this year, with construction commencing in September.

According to the plans, the airbase construction in Rovaniemi will continue until 2027. Its cost is estimated to be around 150 million euros.

What preceded it?

This year, Western media reported that Ukraine had requested Finland to transfer F-18 Hornet fighter jets.

It is precisely the F-18 Hornets that the Finnish military wants to replace with modern F-35s.