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Consequences of attack on Konotop: Power restoration unknown, water on schedule

Consequences of attack on Konotop: Power restoration unknown, water on schedule Illustrative photo (photo:

As a result of the Russian attack, the electricity supply situation in Konotop, Sumy region, is critical - there is no information on when power will be restored to residents' homes. Water will be supplied on an hourly schedule according to a timetable, according to the Mayor of Konotop city, Artem Semenikhin.

The city's energy infrastructure has sustained significant damage. Efforts are being made to restore power to the hospital and water supply system.

The mayor stated, "No one can predict when electricity will be restored to residents' homes, even intermittently."

A large number of educational institutions have been damaged, primarily with broken windows and doors. The exact number of affected schools is currently unknown. Today, kindergartens will operate in an emergency group mode.

Many medical buildings have also been damaged, mostly with broken windows. However, serious medical equipment remains unaffected, and hospitals are functioning.

Water will be supplied on an hourly schedule, with the exact timetable to be published in the morning.

Reports from the affected areas are still coming in. Two men have been hospitalized, with one in critical condition (coma). According to Semenikhin, this individual was en route to rescue people.

A section of the tram tracks in the city center has been destroyed, and tram services will be limited to Route 3 only.

During the night of September 12, Kyiv and much of Ukraine were put on air raid alert due to Russian drones.

In the Kyiv region, air defense forces were active.

In Konotop, Sumy region, several hits were recorded, causing casualties. The enemy struck the city's infrastructure, leading to a power outage. Water supply issues are being addressed with generators in use. Additionally, the tram tracks in the city have been destroyed, resulting in restricted tram services.