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Congress urges Biden to take 'direct military action' due to North Korean soldiers in Russia

Congress urges Biden to take 'direct military action' due to North Korean soldiers in Russia Photo: Michael Turner (Getty Images)

The United States should consider taking "direct military action" if North Korean troops enter the Russia-Ukraine war, states Michael Turner, the Chairman of the House Intelligence Committee, Republican Michael Turner.

In his opinion, the administration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris "must make clear that North Korean troops entering this conflict are a red line for the United States."

"If North Korean troops were to invade Ukraine’s sovereign territory, the United States needs to seriously consider taking direct military action against the North Korean troops," he stated.

North Korean troops to assist Russia

Recent reports indicate that Russia plans to involve North Korean soldiers in the war against Ukraine. The Center for Strategic Communications showcased a video showing North Korean troops already present in Russia. Intelligence suggests that North Korea may have sent 11,000 soldiers. Meanwhile, South Korea reports that currently there are about 3,000, and this number could rise to 10,000 by December.

At the same time, White House National Security Council spokesperson Sean Savett stated that the potential involvement of North Korean troops in the war against Ukraine indicates that Russia is in a state of desperation.