Collaborators take property in occupied city of Horlivka - NRC

The enemy is seizing property not only in Mariupol, Donetsk, and Crimea’s resorts. This time, the incident occurred in Horlivka and involved collaborators, reports the National Resistance Center (NRC).
According to the information resource, several buildings in temporarily occupied Horlivka on Peremohy Avenue were recently declared ownerless. This time, it was not the Russian occupiers, but local collaborators who assigned this status to the properties, who had long dreamed of taking control of the valuable real estate.
The National Resistance Center (NRC) reminded that from the very beginning, the Russians in the temporarily occupied territories of Ukraine developed a criminal scheme to appropriate property. Specifically, they first declare the housing ownerless, then within a short time nationalize it, and subsequently become the so-called legal owners of someone else's property.
At the end of the article, the CNS emphasized that all legal acts issued by Russia are legally invalid, and property owners as of February 24, 2022, will retain their rights to the property, regardless of the documents issued by the Russian authourities.