Coach reveals main secret of successful weight loss

Many people who want to lose weight believe that slimming down requires merely consuming a certain number of calories and adhering to some "correct" ratio of proteins, fats, and carbohydrates (PFC).
Coach Viktor Mandziak explained why he considers this theory harmful.
Key secret to weight loss
According to the expert, there is no correct PFC ratio.
"No, you didn't mishear, there is no correct PFC ratio. This is a fairy tale made up by the Insta-fitness crowd to sell you weight loss marathons," Viktor wrote.
Mandziak emphasized that protein is crucial because it preserves muscle, provides satiety, and burns a lot of energy to digest. It should be consumed not in some "correct" ratio to F and C, but in a specific amount—1.5 grams per kilogram of desired body weight.
"Less is not advisable, more is pointless: 2 grams won't provide more satiety and will make your diet overly protein-heavy, thus less tasty," he said.
Carbohydrates are needed for intense workouts, which are necessary to ensure that weight loss doesn't turn you into a dumpling with the filling removed.
"If you eat too few carbs, your body might break down muscle and use it to produce glucose. Why? To feed the eternally hungry intracranial organ that burns 400 calories a day in the form of this sugar. With carbs, you get the fibers essential for both health and weight loss," the expert said.
The coach advises limiting saturated fat intake to 25 grams and dedicating 20% of your diet to treats.
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