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Coach explains whether it's okay to drink alcohol while losing weight

Coach explains whether it's okay to drink alcohol while losing weight How alcohol affects the body and whether it is possible to drink while losing weight (photo: Freepik)

Alcohol is a narcotic poison that primarily affects the nerve cells of the cerebral cortex. Regular consumption of large amounts of alcohol over a long period leads to alcoholism. Additionally, such a drink is very high in calories, according to Ukrainian trainer Yurii Popko.

Effects on the body

Alcohol has a strong diuretic effect, which is not good as it leads to dehydration and poor functioning of the brain's neurons.

Such a drink kills brain neurons, resulting in sluggishness.

"You should not compare yourself with Italians, French, Greeks, and Spaniards who consume alcohol almost daily and yet live long lives. There is a logical explanation for this," the statement says.

This is called hypercompensation. They produce more of the enzyme alcohol dehydrogenase, which allows their bodies to metabolize alcohol more efficiently and quickly.

It is important to know that the stronger the alcohol, the more it damages the intestinal mucosa, which hosts as many bacteria as there are cells in the body.

Alcohol promotes pathogenic flora, which releases endotoxins, leading to inflammatory processes in the liver.

The absorption of nutrients in the gut flora also becomes worse. Additionally, alcohol contains a lot of sugars that feed fungal infections.

Caloric content of alcohol

Alcohol has a caloric content of 7 kcal per gram. For comparison, proteins and carbohydrates have 4 kcal per gram, while fats have 8 kcal per gram.

When a person consumes alcohol, 33% of it is immediately absorbed through the stomach walls, and the rest gradually enters the bloodstream from the small intestine.

Alcohol is a carcinogen that increases the risk of cancer. The acceptable norm of alcohol consumption is 2 doses for men or 1 dose for women per day.

The norm is 14 grams. This translates to 35 grams of vodka, 100 grams of wine, or 300 grams of beer. Anything above this is considered abuse.

Research findings

According to the trainer, a study was conducted on thousands of women and men over several decades, where they consumed small doses of alcohol daily.

Over time, it was noticed that women had an increased risk of liver, digestive system, and breast cancer.

Men are stronger in this regard, and such side effects were not observed. Additionally, the experiment found that regular consumption of folic acid reduces the risk of cancer in women by 90%, thus neutralizing the negative effects of alcohol.

Alcohol slows down weight loss

Instead of breaking down fat, the body will first break down alcohol to quickly get rid of the toxic substance.

The trainer advises not to consume alcohol at all, as it has many downsides. However, if you ever need to, it is better to choose less strong alcohol and in small quantities.