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CNN shows footage of Russians shooting Ukrainian prisoner of war

CNN shows footage of Russians shooting Ukrainian prisoner of war Photo: Heorhiy Tykhyi, spokesperosn for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

This war crime is part of other gross violations of international humanitarian law by Russia. All states and organizations should strongly condemn the systematic killing and torture of Ukrainian prisoners, according to Heorhii Tykhyi, spokesperson for the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine.

CNN video

Today, on September 6, CNN released a video of the execution of three Ukrainian soldiers.

"The troops emerge and stagger into the middle of the dusty track, then onto their knees, their hands placed on their heads. Seconds later, the Ukrainian drone footage shows, they lie face down, motionless, dust trailing nearby," CNN writes.

The video was shot during the fighting in late August near the town of Pokrovsk.

According to a Ukrainian official, who asked not to disclose some details to protect the identity of the unit, the incident is part of a pattern of apparent executions that seem to have increased this year.

Ukraine's Prosecutor General Andrii Kostin told CNN that his office is currently investigating 28 such incidents since the start of the war, in which a total of 62 Ukrainian servicemen have been killed.

Ukrainian Ministry of Foreign Affairs' reaction

"This war crime is part of Russia's ongoing gross violations of international humanitarian law. Russian barbarism is a disgrace to humanity. We urge all states and international organizations to strongly condemn Russia's systematic murder and torture of Ukrainian prisoners of war," Tykhyi says.

The Ukrainian Foreign Ministry spokesperson calls for the consolidation of all efforts and the implementation of the provisions of President Volodymyr Zelenskyy's Peace Formula, which require the return of all illegally detained persons.

Donetsk regional prosecutor's office launches investigation into reports of execution of three Ukrainian prisoners of war in Toretsk sector