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Chonhar Bridge blown up on July 29: satellite images

Chonhar Bridge blown up on July 29: satellite images Photo: Satellite images reveal the attack on the Chonhar Bridge (source: Russian media)

According to the OSINT researcher Hidenori Watanave, satellite images have emerged following the Ukrainian Armed Forces' attack on the bridge in the Chonhar isthmus, confirming significant damage to the structure.

Comparing images from July 24 and July 30, Watanave identified the section of the bridge that sustained damage. Additionally, the analyst noted the presence of a train north of the bridge.

Attacks on the Chonhar Bridge

Yesterday, on July 29, the Ukrainian Armed Forces claimed to have executed a second successful strike on the Chonhar Bridge.

"The Armed Forces successfully struck the Chonhar Bridge on the morning of July 29," the announcement was made via the Strategic Communications Department Telegram channel.

Previously, pro-Russian collaborator Volodymyr Saldo had claimed the supposed repulsion of a Ukrainian attack on the railway in Chonhar, stating that 12 Storm Shadow missiles were fired and all were purportedly intercepted by Russian air defense.

This marks the second attack on the bridges in Chonhar, with the first occurring a month ago on June 22. Russia also claimed responsibility for the attack using Storm Shadow missiles, a claim later corroborated by the Ukrainian General Staff.