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Chinese dronemaker DJI sues Pentagon

Chinese dronemaker DJI sues Pentagon Illustrative photo (getty images)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

On Friday, Chinese company DJI filed a lawsuit against the US Department of Defense for adding the drone manufacturer to a list of companies suspected of collaborating with the Chinese military. DJI claims this designation is unfounded, according to Reuters.

DJI appears on the Pentagon's list as a Chinese military company. The company disputes this label, stating it "is neither owned nor controlled by the Chinese military."

Being included on the list serves as a warning to American organizations and companies regarding potential national security risks associated with doing business with its listed entities.

In its lawsuit, DJI asserts that due to the "unlawful and erroneous decision" made by the Department of Defense, the company "lost business deals, been stigmatized as a national security threat, and been banned from contracting with multiple federal government agencies."

The company added, "US and international customers have terminated existing contracts with DJI and refuse to enter into new ones."

DJI stated it filed the lawsuit after the Department of Defense failed to communicate with the company regarding its inclusion on the list for over 16 months, asserting that the company "had no alternative other than to seek relief in federal court."

In September, the US House of Representatives approved a broad legislation package to counter China's influence. Among the measures was a bill prohibiting DJI drones for national security reasons.