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China vows countermeasures over US arms sale to Taiwan

China vows countermeasures over US arms sale to Taiwan Photo: Chinese flag and police officer (Getty Images)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

On Friday, the US approved a $2 billion arms package for Taiwan. In response, China promised to take countermeasures, according to Reuters.

The Chinese Foreign Ministry stated that it firmly condemns and opposes the sale of arms. The ministry added that China urges the United States to immediately cease arming Taiwan, as well as any actions that undermine peace and stability in the Taiwan Strait.

"China will take resolute countermeasures and take all measures necessary to firmly defend national sovereignty, security, and territorial integrity," the ministry said without elaborating.

Reuters reported that over the past five years, China has intensified its military activities around Taiwan, including organizing a new round of military drills earlier in October.

What preceded

On Friday, the United States approved a potential $2 billion arms package for Taiwan. This package includes the first shipment of an advanced air defense system that underwent combat testing in Ukraine. The system in question is the NASAMS (National Advanced Surface-to-Air Missile System).