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China's top diplomat may ignore Peace Summit: Politico reveals reason

China's top diplomat may ignore Peace Summit: Politico reveals reason Photo: Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi (Getty Images)
Author: Daryna Vialko

China's top diplomat, Wang Yi, may ignore the Global Peace Summit on Ukraine. He may attend the BRICS meeting that will take place at the same time, according to Politico.

Two senior EU diplomats said that Russia was planning to hold a meeting of the BRICS countries around the same time as the peace conference on Ukraine organized in Switzerland.

According to the diplomats, the meeting in Moscow will be held at the level of foreign ministers, which, if confirmed, means that China will not send its top envoy, Wang Yi, to the meeting in Switzerland.

Beijing previously told EU diplomats that they would not be inclined to send high-level representatives to the Swiss event if Russia was not invited.

In addition to Russia and China, the BRICS also includes Brazil, India, South Africa, Saudi Arabia, Iran, the UAE, Egypt and Ethiopia.

Global peace summit

While many countries around the world have condemned Russia's invasion of Ukraine, China positions itself as a neutral party. Beijing declares its support for Ukraine's territorial integrity, but its actions indicate the opposite.

President Volodymyr Zelenskyy said that Ukraine wanted China to participate in the Peace Summit because Beijing influenced Russia.

Brazil and China called for political negotiations to reach a peaceful settlement in Ukraine. The parties emphasized that the peace conference should be held with the participation of all interested parties, including Russia.

Read more about the peace summit and its purpose in the material by RBC-Ukraine.