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Car of 'security chief' of Zaporizhzhia NPP exploded in Enerhodar

Car of 'security chief' of Zaporizhzhia NPP exploded in Enerhodar Illustrative photo (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

On October 4, a car exploded in the temporarily occupied city of Enerhodar. Inside the vehicle was a collaborator, Andrii Korotkyi, the "chief of security" at the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, citing Ukrainian intelligence and Russian media.

"On October 4, around 7:00 AM, a car exploded in the temporarily occupied Enerhodar. The vehicle was carrying a war criminal – the 'chief of physical security' of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, Andrii Korotkyi," the statement read.

Later, Russian media reported that Korotkyi died from his injuries.

Who is Korotkyi?

Korotkyi was a collaborator involved in organizing and committing war crimes and repressions against Ukrainians under occupation.

According to Ukraine's intelligence, after the seizure of the Zaporizhzhia Nuclear Power Plant, he voluntarily cooperated with Russian occupiers, handing over lists of station employees, including their personal information, and identifying those with pro-Ukrainian views.

"He participated in repressions against the power plant's staff and committed war crimes against civilians in the temporarily occupied Enerhodar. He consistently organized efforts to support the Russian occupation army. As a member of Putin’s 'United Russia' party, he headed the so-called 'council of deputies' in Enerhodar," the intelligence report added.

Car explosion in Berdiansk

On October 2, a car explosion occurred in the temporarily occupied city of Berdiansk, Zaporizhzhia region. Initial reports indicated a car had detonated in the city.

Later, Ukrainian intelligence confirmed that a traitor judge, Vitaliy Lomeiko, was killed in the explosion. He was the one inside the destroyed vehicle.