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Can the West hinder North Korea's weapon trasfer to Russia: Expert's opinion

Can the West hinder North Korea's weapon trasfer to Russia: Expert's opinion Kim Jong UN (Photo: Getty Images)

North Korea may start supplying weapons to Russia for its war against Ukraine, and Western countries will have little means to prevent it, according to political analyst Volodymyr Fesenko.

What preceded this

Recently, The New York Times reported that North Korean leader Kim Jong-un plans to meet with Russian dictator Vladimir Putin that month to discuss arms supplies.

After this, Washington began talking about strengthening sanctions and called for an end to negotiations on weapons for Russia.

White House National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan warned that North Korea would "pay the price" if it helped Russia wage war against Ukraine.

However, it is unclear what else Pyongyang could pay

"Ultimately, the West cannot do much. Western commentators themselves sadly joke about this. What else can they do? Impose additional sanctions? But North Korea is a clear example that they no longer work. Almost the entire world has imposed sanctions, and what? Yes, there are problems, the economy is specific, but it still works. I don't see any magical tools for the West to stop arms shipments to Russia," Fesenko told RBC-Ukraine.

On the other hand, this provides an opportunity to strengthen sanctions against Russia, particularly against companies from third countries that help it bypass restrictions. Unlike North Korea, Russia's economy is not accustomed to living in global isolation after decades of economic integration.

Cooperation between Russia and North Korea

North Korea openly supports Russia's aggression against Ukraine and, according to U.S. information, has been supplying ammunition to the Wagner private military company since the beginning of the year.

Recently, U.S. Secretary of State Antony Blinken announced that he would impose additional sanctions on North Korea or any other country that supplies weapons to the Russians.

More on the potential alliance of world outcasts and whether it poses a threat to our country can be found in RBC-Ukraine material.