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Bundeswehr Inspector General assesses significant advances possibility of Russian troops in Ukraine

Bundeswehr Inspector General assesses significant advances possibility of Russian troops in Ukraine General of the German Armed Forces, Carsten Breuer (photo: Getty Images)

General of the German Armed Forces, Carsten Breuer, in an interview with Tagesspiegel, stated that in the near future, there will be no significant advances by Russian troops on the front in Ukraine, with only small operations possible.

According to Breuer, significant changes on the front will not occur soon, but Ukraine remains dependent on Western support.

"In the near future, we will not see any large-scale movements on the Ukrainian battlefield. The course and fortifications of the front make this practically impossible," he explained.

The Inspector General of the Bundeswehr allowed for "small, slow operations" by Russian troops, but, in his opinion, "large-scale offensive actions" will not happen.

"The concentration of troops will be immediately noticed and will lead to countermeasures," he added.

Recall, Inspector General of the Bundeswehr Carsten Breuer also predicted that Russia could be ready to attack NATO in 5-8 years. The Russians will likely accumulate the necessary weapons and personnel during this period.