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Bundestag urges German government to supply Ukraine with Taurus missiles

Bundestag urges German government to supply Ukraine with Taurus missiles Chairwoman of the Bundestag Defense Committee Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmermann (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

The Chair of the Defense Committee of the Bundestag, Marie-Agnes Strack-Zimmerman, has urged the German government to supply Ukraine with Taurus cruise missiles, according to BR24.

"The Chancellor has always assured us that he is aligned with the United States," she said.

She added that as a result of the US decision, there is now a need for action on the part of the German government.

"The US will now supply Ukraine with long-range ATACMS missiles. This is reason enough to act now on the issue of Taurus," Strack-Zimmermann said.

Taurus for Ukraine

In 2023, Ukraine appealed to Germany to provide long-range Taurus missiles with a range of 500 kilometers. However, the German government is avoiding responding to this request, and Chancellor Olaf Scholz is categorically against it, citing that such deliveries would require the presence of German military personnel on Ukrainian territory.

Scholz also expressed concern that the improper use of missiles could lead to strikes on targets in Russian territory, including in Moscow.

In turn, the leader of the CDU/CSU parliamentary faction, Thorsten Frei, is confident that ultimately, Scholz will consent to providing Ukraine with cruise missiles.