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Bundesbank chief gets angry at Russia's calls for international cooperation

Bundesbank chief gets angry at Russia's calls for international cooperation Photo: Bundesbank President Joachim Nagel (screenshot from the video)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

Bundesbank President Joachim Nagel stated that Russia's calls for cooperation from the G20 countries mock the context of its invasion of Ukraine in 2022, according to Bloomberg.

"We shouldn’t forget where this all started. The downturn in Germany started in the springtime of 2022. And we all know the reason why this happened in the springtime of 2022," Nagel said on Saturday in Washington.

"It makes me crazy when I have to listen to the Russian colleague in the G-20 format, and he’s telling me how important it is to have international cooperation," Nagel added.

He emphasized that addressing the issues currently hindering Germany's economy is becoming increasingly important.

"We know that we have structural problems in Europe, we now have to find smart ways — and there are smart ways — how to overcome these structural issues," he said.

As a reminder, US Secretary of State Antony Blinken recently remarked that Beijing's discussions about peace in Ukraine make no sense, stating, "So when Beijing says that, on the one hand, it wants peace, it wants to see an end to the conflict, but on the other hand, is allowing its companies to take actions that are actually helping Putin continue the aggression, that doesn't add up."