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Building collapses in Odesa port: People trapped, one reported dead

Building collapses in Odesa port: People trapped, one reported dead Photo: a building collapsed in the port of Odesa, a man died under the rubble (

On July 20, a building collapsed in the port of Odesa. Two people were trapped under the rubble, and one man has been reported dead, according to the State Emergency Service of the Odesa region.

"Yesterday evening, July 20, a warehouse building at the Odesa Maritime Trade Port collapsed," the statement said.

Building collapses in Odesa port: People trapped, one reported deadBuilding collapses in Odesa port: People trapped, one reported deadBuilding collapses in Odesa port: People trapped, one reported dead

Rescuers who arrived at the scene determined that two people were trapped under the debris.

"Using hydraulic tools and a gas cutter, the State Emergency Service freed a man born in 1990. The rescuers provided first aid and handed him over to medical personnel," said the State Emergency Service.

Unfortunately, the second man could not be saved. He was found without signs of life.

The likely cause of the collapse is a violation of safety regulations during construction work.

It is worth noting that in 2019, a building collapse occurred during the dismantling of an old dryer building in the Dnipropetrovsk region, resulting in one death.

Earlier, rescuers provided guidelines on how to act in the event of a building collapse threat.