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Budanov names main achievement of long-range strikes against Russia

Budanov names main achievement of long-range strikes against Russia Chief of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine, Major General, Kyrylo Budanov (photo: Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

After the Ukrainian Defense Forces' strikes on targets deep within Russian territory, the myth of invincibility and security surrounding the Russian nation has been shattered for its population. This has notably impacted the socio-psychological aspect of Russia, states Chief of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine, Major General, Kyrylo Budanov.

Discussing the long-range strikes and successes of the Ukrainian Defense Forces, including operations in the Black Sea and Kursk region, and Ukraine’s intent to alter the logic of the war, the Chief of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine, Major General, Kyrylo Budanov, expressed a desire for more progress.

"You know, as a Ukrainian national, primarily, every one of us wants more," Budanov said, responding to questions about the potential to move the conflict into Russian territory.

He noted that at the outset of the full-scale war, Russia was certainly one of the world's most powerful armies.

"Ukraine was a bit weaker, we have to recognize it. And the very fact, that in almost three years of this full-scale invasion and more than a decade of this war in general, we're still holding," Budanov stated.

He added that despite Russia's significant stockpiles of Soviet-era and post-independence weaponry and assistance from other countries, including North Korea, Russia has not been able to break Ukraine.

Budanov emphasized that this, in his view, is the key achievement.

"Our ability to bring the war to the territory of Russia - I would rather focus here and on our ability to deal long-range strikes deep into the territory. And the philosophy behind it. You know, it changed the outlook a bit," he explained.

The Ukrainian chief intelligence officer noted that this shift has had an impact, particularly on the socio-psychological aspect for the Russian population.

"Before that, the Russians would be living, thinking they're in the most powerful country worldwide. So, maybe we're not better off, compared with the someone in the west, but on the other hand, we're the strongest," Budanov said.

"Now, with those first explosions in Moscow, across Russian territory - it's all undermined this strong belief. And this is the key benefit of all those long-range strikes. The breaking of the deep belief that they're living in safety," he concluded.

Earlier, on September 14, the Chief of the Defense Intelligence of Ukraine, Major General, Kyrylo Budanov, indicated that Russia might face economic difficulties and shortages in military recruitment by the summer of 2025.