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British intelligence names losses in Russian army over past two months

British intelligence names losses in Russian army over past two months Photo: Russia lost about 70,000 people at front in Ukraine in two months (Getty Images)

The average daily losses of residents of Russia (killed and wounded) in Ukraine in May and June 2024 have reached their peak - 1,262 and 1,163 respectively, according to the Ministry of Defense of Great Britain.

As noted in the summary, "Russia likely lost (killed and wounded) in excess of 70,000 personnel over the past two months."

According to British intelligence, the increase in losses reflects Russia's opening of a new front in the Kharkiv region while maintaining its previous pace of offensive operations along the front line. Although this new approach has intensified pressure on the front line, Ukraine's effective defense and lack of Russian preparedness diminish Russia's ability to exploit any tactical gains, despite attempts to further stretch the front line.

"Russia's casualty rate will likely continue to average above 1,000 a day over the next two months as Russia continues to try to overmatched Ukrainian positions with mass," the British Ministry of Defense notes.

It is worth noting that according to American, British, and other Western intelligence services, Russia was losing over a thousand soldiers daily on the front lines in May. This information is confirmed by daily reports from the General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, which indicate a sharp increase in Russian losses in May.
However, despite these losses, Russia is recruiting between 25,000 and 30,000 new soldiers each month - roughly the same number it loses.