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Britain demonstrated leadership since war began, but situation has slowed down - Zelenskyy

Britain demonstrated leadership since war began, but situation has slowed down - Zelenskyy Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (photo: Vitalii Nosach, RBC-Ukraine)

Since the beginning of Russia's full-scale invasion, the UK has demonstrated real leadership in supporting Kyiv. Recently, however, the situation has changed somewhat, states Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

“Throughout this war, we have seen Britain demonstrate true leadership. In arms, in politics, and in supporting the life of Ukrainian society. This is what saved thousands of our people. This is what truly reflects Britain's strength. But now, unfortunately, the situation has slowed down,” the president said.

Zelenskyy explained that Ukraine would try to talk to its partners to fix it.

“Because long-range is really a fundamental thing for us. And the whole world sees how effective Ukrainians - our entire nation - are when they defend their independence,” the head of state said.

He noted that Kyiv is currently doing everything to provide Ukrainian soldiers with the necessary weapons and reinforcement. And, according to the President, it is in this context that it is undoubtedly important for partners to remove barriers that prevent Ukraine from weakening Russia's positions in the way the course of the war requires.

“Long-range capability for our forces is the answer to all the most important, all the most strategic issues of this war. The courage of our soldiers and the resilience of our combat brigades are now compensating for the lack of necessary decisions from our partners,” he emphasized.

At the same time, Zelenskyy emphasized that Ukraine would continue to strengthen its diplomatic work.

“We need something that really changes the course of the war... We need all partners who can really help to help. These are the United States, Britain, France, and other partners,” he summarized.

Ukraine has not yet received permission to launch British missiles against Russia.

Ukraine receives long-range missiles not only from Britain but also from France and the United States. However, these countries have set a condition for the Ukrainian Armed Forces not to use their weapons for long-range strikes on Russian territory.

RBC-Ukraine recently reported that the United States has not responded to Britain's request to allow Ukrainian soldiers to use Storm Shadow missiles in Russia for more than a month.