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Britain confirms fleet redeployment closer to Israel

Britain confirms fleet redeployment closer to Israel Rishi Sunak (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

Britain will send a surveillance plane and two Royal Navy ships to the Eastern Mediterranean to support Israel, according to BBC.

British Prime Minister Rishi Sunak states that the military support would "prevent further escalation." The aid package reportedly includes surveillance equipment, helicopters, P8 aircraft, and a marine infantry unit.

"The British armed forces will be on standby to 'deliver practical support to Israel and partners in the region, and offer deterrence and assurance,'" said the Prime Minister.

According to the plans, a Royal Navy task group will be moved to the region next week to support humanitarian efforts.

Notably, The Times previously reported that the UK would deploy two Royal Navy ships to the Eastern Mediterranean.


As a reminder, last week, Hamas militants infiltrated Israeli communities, killing and abducting both military personnel and local residents. Some of their acts of violence were documented in videos published on social media.

In response, Israel initiated an operation against the militants, with the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) targeting their positions in the Gaza Strip.

It was previously announced that Israel's Defense Minister would participate in a meeting of NATO defense ministers.