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Brazil, Colombia, Mexico negotiate with Venezuelan government and opposition over electoral crisis

Brazil, Colombia, Mexico negotiate with Venezuelan government and opposition over electoral crisis Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro (photo: Getty Images)

Following the contested presidential election in Venezuela, officials from Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico are in constant contact with representatives of Venezuelan President Nicolás Maduro and opposition candidate Edmundo González, seeking a resolution to the country's political crisis, reports the Associated Press.

The three countries, whose current left-leaning presidents are allies of Maduro, are negotiating with both sides, according to a high-ranking Mexican official involved in the discussions. The official declined to describe this as formal mediation.

Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico are advising both the government and the opposition to adhere to Venezuelan laws and present their cases to the relevant institutions to challenge any part of the process, the official said. However, this recommendation is considered a significant demand for the opposition, as the ruling party in Venezuela controls all aspects of government, including the judiciary, and uses it to secure victories and suppress both real and perceived opponents, AP notes.

The official spoke on condition of anonymity and declined to name the representatives of the Venezuelan government and opposition involved in the discussions. The official also did not state whether González’s team had indicated their willingness to officially challenge the election results from July 28.

Unlike many other countries that have recognized either Maduro or González as the winner, the governments of Brazil, Colombia, and Mexico have taken a more neutral stance.

The Mexican official told the AP that representatives from the three countries have not ruled out a personal meeting with Maduro.

Protests continue in Venezuela over the results of the presidential election, in which the authorities declared the current President Nicolás Maduro as the winner. The opposition claims the results are fraudulent.

The US recognized opposition candidate Edmundo González as the winner.

The European Union does not recognize Maduro's victory in the election.