Body can be outsmarted. How to lose weight and not regain lost pounds

Losing weight is only half the battle. The biggest challenge is not to gain the weight back, states nutritionist Oleg Shvets. Many people find that after a diet, the pounds come back, and sometimes in double size.
Why does the weight come back
Some scientists believe that our body has a certain "set point of weight" to which it tries to return. This means that after losing weight, the body begins to work against a person by slowing down metabolism, changing hormones, and increasing hunger.
Slowing down the metabolism
When a person eats less, the body saves energy and starts to burn fewer calories, even if physical activity remains at the same level.
Hormonal changes
The level of leptin, the satiety hormone, decreases, while the level of ghrelin, which is responsible for hunger, increases. This makes people eat more than they need.
Induced attention to food
People who limit their calorie intake think about food more often, their sense of smell becomes more acute, and their taste buds become more sensitive. As a result, it is harder to control appetite.
However, not all scientists agree with the "set point weight" theory. Research shows that environmental and lifestyle factors also play a huge role in weight gain and loss. For example, moving to another country, changes in work or family life can affect your weight.
How to avoid putting on extra pounds after losing weight
Despite all the difficulties, long-term weight loss is a very realistic goal. The main thing is the right approach.
Lose weight gradually
A sharp weight loss can lead to a quick return of the pounds. Weight loss of 0.5-1 kg per week is considered optimal.
Monitor your weight
Regular weighing helps you monitor even minor changes in weight and take action in a timely manner.
Don't skip breakfast
Studies show that people who have a healthy breakfast (cereal, fruit) are less likely to overeat during the day.
Be physically active
30-60 minutes of activity every day is enough - it can be walking, running, or any exercise.
Eat a balanced diet
A diet rich in protein, fiber, and healthy fats works best. Excessive amounts of fast carbohydrates and fatty foods should be avoided.
Don't take "days off" from eating right
If a person allows themselves to overeat on weekends or holidays, it can quickly negate all efforts.
Why is willpower not the most important thing
Many people think that weight gain is just a matter of willpower, but research shows that this factor is not the most important. External circumstances, eating habits, and physical activity level play a big role.
In America, they even created the National Weight Control Registry, which tracks people who have lost more than 14 kg and have maintained their new weight for at least a year. Analysis of their habits has shown that the most effective weight loss strategies are consistency, weight control, and a healthy lifestyle.
Thus, even if the body tries to regain the old weight, it can be "outsmarted".
The main thing is to change your habits gradually, avoid sudden changes in your diet, and be consistent. Then losing weight will not be a temporary goal, but a way of life.