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Biden-Xi talks leave China's stance on Russia's war in Ukraine unchanged

Biden-Xi talks leave China's stance on Russia's war in Ukraine unchanged Photo: Mao Ning, spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs (
Author: Liliana Oleniak

The meeting between the President of the United States of America, Joe Biden, and the leader of the People's Republic of China, Xi Jinping, did not change China's position on the war in Ukraine, according to the spokesperson of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Mao Ning, as quoted by the Chinese Embassy in the United States.

During the press conference, Mao Ning confirmed the information that Biden and Xi raised the issue of the war on the territory of Ukraine and the war between Israel and Hamas. According to her, China remains "committed to promoting talks for peace and deescalation".

"Indeed, the two Presidents exchanged views on international and regional issues of common concern including the "Ukraine crisis" (Russia's war against Ukraine, - ed.) and the Palestinian-Israeli conflict (the war between Hamas and Israel, - ed.). China’s position on both issues is clear and consistent. We stand on the side of equity and justice and remain committed to promoting talks for peace and deescalation," the Foreign Ministry spokesperson says.

Meeting between Biden and Xi Jinping

The US president and the leader of China met within the framework of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation summit held in San Francisco. The parties held negotiations in the historical residence of Filoli. In particular, their dialogue lasted about four hours.

Read more about how the negotiations between Biden and Xi Jinping ended - in the material of RBC-Ukraine.