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Biden: War will end with Ukraine remaining free country

Biden: War will end with Ukraine remaining free country US President Joe Biden (photo: Getty Images)

Russia's full-scale war against the Ukrainian state will end with Ukraine remaining a free and independent country, states US President Joe Biden.

The American leader emphasized that Ukraine was free when the war began, remains so now, and will be sovereign in the future after the war.

“Today, as the people of Ukraine mark their Independence Day, let it be clear: when Russia’s senseless war began, Ukraine was a free country. Today, it is still a free country. And the war will end with Ukraine remaining a free, sovereign, and independent country,” Biden said in his post.

US Vice President and current Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris said that America will continue to support Ukraine in its fight for freedom against Russian aggression.

US assistance to Ukraine

Yesterday, on the eve of Ukraine's Independence Day, the United States announced a new package of military assistance to our country.

It includes ammunition for artillery, HIMARS systems, anti-tank weapons, and much more. The total value of the package is $125 million.