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Biden to sign security commitments with Ukraine during G7 summit

Biden to sign security commitments with Ukraine during G7 summit Photo: US President Joe Biden and Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy (Getty Images)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

US President Joe Biden will sign a new security commitments deal with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, promising long-term support, during the G7 leaders' meeting in Italy, according to White House national security advisor Jake Sullivan.

The agreement will make it clear that "our support will last long into the future... particularly in the defense and security space," Sullivan told reporters aboard Air Force One.

"By signing this we'll also be sending Russia a signal of our resolve. If Vladimir Putin thinks he can outlast the coalition supporting Ukraine, he's wrong," Sullivan says.

15 countries have signed their security agreements that will strengthen Ukraine's "defensive deterrence capability," he says.

The US agreement will include a commitment to work with the US Congress on future funding for Ukraine, but will not commit to the use of US forces, Sullivan adds.

Biden traveled to Italy to increase pressure on Russia over its war against Ukraine and China for its support of Moscow.

The White House says that Biden will meet again with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy at the G7 summit, after which a joint press conference will be held.

Earlier, CNN reported on the US plans to sign a bilateral security agreement during the G7 summit. The document is expected to be similar to those that Ukraine has already signed with other partners this year.