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Biden signed law banning import of Russian uranium

Biden signed law banning import of Russian uranium Joe Biden, President of the US (photo: Getty Images)

President of the US, Joe Biden, has signed a law banning the import of enriched uranium from Russia. This initiative was unanimously supported by the Senate in late April, reports the White House.

The relevant document was signed by the American leader on Monday, May 13th.

According to a White House release, the law H.R. 1042, the Law on the Ban of Import of Russian Uranium, prohibits the import of unirradiated low-enriched uranium produced in the Russian Federation or by a Russian legal entity.

Initiative regarding the ban

Earlier the White House called for a long-term ban on Russian imports, necessary to unlock about $2.7 billion to support the domestic uranium industry, provided by Congress earlier this year.

It was also reported that the restrictions on uranium imports from Russia are aimed at supporting efforts in the US to block Kremlin fuel supplies for reactors.

Furthermore, the law banning the import of Russian uranium prohibits imports from the US 90 days after it takes effect. The initiative includes provisions for temporary exemptions from the ban until January 2028.

What preceded it

In December 2023, a bill was approved by the House of Representatives amid growing support in Congress to cut off imports from Russia following its large-scale military aggression against Ukraine.

Additionally, RBC-Ukraine reported that the US Senate voted unanimously on the last day of April to approve a bill banning the import of enriched uranium from Russia. Following this, the document was sent to the White House for President Biden's signature.