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Biden realizes he might not be able to win elections - NYT

Biden realizes he might not be able to win elections - NYT Photo: Joe Biden, President of the USA (Getty Images)

People from the inner circle of US President Joe Biden stated that he has begun to realize that he might not win the elections in November and might have to withdraw from the race, reports The New York Times.

One of Biden's close associates said that the president has not yet decided to withdraw from the elections after three weeks of persistent statements that nothing will push him out.

At the same time, another person stated that "reality is setting in." According to him, if Biden soon announces the endorsement of Vice President Kamala Harris as his replacement, it will not be a surprise.

The New York Times specifies that the report is based on interviews with four people close to Biden. All of them spoke on condition of anonymity to avoid offending the president.

Also, Biden ordered a poll to find out what Kamala Harris' chances of winning the elections would be if she replaced him.