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Biden announces new military aid package for Ukraine

Biden announces new military aid package for Ukraine US President Joe Biden (Getty Images)
Author: Maria Kholina

The United States of America will allocate a new package of military assistance to Ukraine, according to President Joe Biden during a meeting with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy in Washington.

Biden announced the new aid to Ukraine but did not disclose details. According to him, the Pentagon will provide details of the package later.

Earlier, the Associated Press reported that the new US aid package to Ukraine, totaling $225 million, will include an additional Patriot air defense system.

US assistance to Ukraine

On July 10, during the NATO summit in Washington, US President Joe Biden announced the transfer of an additional Patriot system to Ukraine, as well as announced other supplies to strengthen the country's air defense.

In addition to the Patriot and SAMP-T systems, the United States and its partners intend to provide Ukraine with dozens of tactical air defense systems in the coming months.

Earlier, on July 3, the US announced another package of military aid to Ukraine, totaling $150 million and $2.2 billion respectively.