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Biden administration to announce significant sanctions for aiding Russia’s war against Ukraine

Biden administration to announce significant sanctions for aiding Russia’s war against Ukraine Photo: John Kirby, White House National Security Council Advisor (Getty Images)
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

The United States government will soon announce new sanctions against foreign aides of Russia as the Kremlin continues its large-scale military aggression against Ukraine, according to John Kirby, Coordinator for Strategic Communications at the US National Security Council.

According to an American official, these restrictive measures will be significant, with an announcement expected shortly.

"And in coming days, the United States will announce a significant sanctions tranche targeting the enablers of Russia’s war in Ukraine located outside of Russia," John Kirby said.

However, the White House representative did not provide details regarding the specifics of these sanctions or the individuals, businesses, or countries they would target.

US assistance to Ukraine

Meanwhile, Kirby reaffirmed Washington's ongoing support for Ukraine, stating that under the direction of President Joe Biden, the US "continues to surge security assistance to Ukraine."

"In just the past week, which I think you’ve seen, the United States has announced more than $800 million in security assistance to meet Ukraine’s urgent battlefield needs," he said.

In addition, Kirby mentioned that the US is "on track to provide" Ukraine with:

  • hundreds of additional air defense interceptors;
  • dozens of tactical air defense systems;
  • additional artillery;
  • significant quantities of ammunition;
  • hundreds of armored personnel carriers and infantry fighting vehicles;
  • thousands of additional armored vehicles, "all of which will help keep Ukraine effective on the battlefield."

"The Ukrainian military continues to fight bravely and effectively, and President Biden is determined to provide Ukraine with the support that it needs to prevail," the White House representative emphasized.

He also reminded that on October 23, President Biden announced that the US would provide a loan of $20 billion from the $50 billion pledged by the G7 to Ukraine in June.

"The other $30 billion in loans will come from a combination of our G7 partners, including the European Union, the United Kingdom, Canada, and Japan," Kirby said.

Earlier, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy thanked the US for providing Ukraine with $20 billion. He noted that it is crucial for the full $50 billion to be delivered to Ukraine by the end of the year.

Additionally, on the evening of October 23, Janet Yellen, US Secretary of the Treasury, stated that the G7 plans to extend a $50 billion loan to Ukraine by the end of the year.

Furthermore, it was recently reported that the US intends to cut off Russia's revenue from liquefied natural gas exports.