Belarusian military crosses Polish border after damaging fence

A Belarusian soldier damaged the fence on the border with Poland and illegally entered the country's territory, according to RMF FM.
According to the article, a Belarusian soldier in uniform with a pistol and a balaclava was detected by monitoring systems in the vicinity of Dubiche-Tserkivne. Patrols were immediately dispatched to the scene.
Upon seeing Polish border guards, the Belarusian soldier fled
RMF FM reports that the soldier failed to cut the fence completely; it was only slightly damaged. However, it is currently unknown whether the soldier acted alone.
This is the first time a Belarusian soldier in uniform has been caught red-handed while cutting a fence. Previously, similar incidents of damaging structures had occurred, but they were likely caused by civilian individuals or possibly border guards.
Polish-Belarusian scandal
On September 1, Belarus claimed that a Polish military helicopter Mi-24 had violated Belarusian airspace. Minsk alleges that the helicopter allegedly flew up to 1200 meters deep into Belarusian territory and then returned.
Poland, on the other hand, denied the allegations. Polish military officials assert that it was a provocation from the Belarusian side.
At the same time, the monitoring group Belarusian Hajun does not rule out the possibility that it could have been a Polish helicopter. However, there are also speculations that it was a Belarusian helicopter that crossed the border.