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Belarus continues to escalate border situation: Purpose of provocations revealed

Belarus continues to escalate border situation: Purpose of provocations revealed State Border Guard Service spokesman Andrii Demchenko (Facebook)
Author: Maria Kholina

Belarus is once again attempting to escalate tensions on the border with Ukraine, acting on Moscow's orders and playing into the Kremlin's aggressive plans, citing the spokesperson for Ukraine's State Border Guard Service, Andrii Demchenko.

According to him, Belarus is deliberately creating a situation that forces Ukraine to maintain significant forces in this area, instead of deploying them to more critical fronts where active fighting is taking place. This is an attempt to divert Ukrainian resources, but the actual situation on the Belarusian border remains stable.

He also added that Ukraine's Defense Forces fully control the entire 1,000-kilometer stretch of the state border with Belarus.

"By exerting this kind of informational influence, Belarus is trying to destabilize the situation, attempting to affect our actions so that we keep the necessary amount of forces and resources here," Demchenko emphasized.

He also said that no unusual situations have been recorded at the border, and no movement of Belarusian military equipment or personnel near the border has been observed.

Ukrainian intelligence is closely monitoring the situation deep within Belarusian territory.

"I do not rule out that Belarus, under the guise of exercises or pressure from Russia, is concentrating certain units deep within its territory, at a significant distance from the border. This includes playing along with the information warfare by creating video reports that give the impression they have strengthened this direction," Demchenko said.

At the same time, the spokesperson underscored the need for vigilant attention to the Belarusian border, which remains a potential threat. He emphasized the importance of building and maintaining engineering structures and fortifications along the border and in the border zone.

On August 25, Ukraine's Ministry of Foreign Affairs warned Belarus against provocations, urging them to withdraw their troops from the border beyond the range of the existing Belarusian fire systems.