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Belarus checking army combat readiness - What it means for Ukraine

Belarus checking army combat readiness - What it means for Ukraine Belarus checking army combat readiness (Getty Images)

The readiness check of the army initiated in Belarus is not something extraordinary for the Ukrainian Air Force. They monitor all aerial targets there, according to Yurii Ihnat, a spokesperson for the Air Force Command of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

"All aerial targets in Belarus are being tracked. We have information from our own sources. We have information from our partners," he said.

According to Ihnat, it is clear that Poland is close, and despite everything happening between the two states, it is "our partner, our friend."

"And we will receive information from other countries regarding the aerial situation and reconnaissance, and so on. Well, they are conducting some exercises there. It is an integral part of the existence of any military, its combat work. The army is always engaged in combat readiness. It is an ongoing process," he stated.

The situation in Belarus

In late September, Belarus once again extended joint military drills with the Russian Armed Forces. Today, October 3, Belarus has started another phase of checking the combat readiness of the Armed Forces.

At the same time, the Belarusian Hajun monitoring project notes that the threat of strikes on Ukraine from the territory of Belarus remains until December 31, 2023.