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Beijing to present US demands on Taiwan during Sullivan visit: China's Foreign Ministry

Beijing to present US demands on Taiwan during Sullivan visit: China's Foreign Ministry Photo: US President's National Security Adviser Jake Sullivan (Getty Images)

China plans to urge the US to refrain from intervening in conflicts in the South China Sea and to make demands regarding Taiwan during the visit of US National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan to Beijing, reports CCTV.

A representative from the Department of North American and Oceanian Affairs at China's Foreign Ministry stated that its territorial sovereignty and rights in the South China Sea have historical and legal foundations.

According to him, the countries surrounding the South China Sea have the confidence and wisdom to resolve their issues independently.

"External countries should not take any actions that could provoke conflict or escalate the situation," he emphasized, hinting at the support of the US and its allies for regional states' efforts to protect their sovereignty from China's territorial claims.

Sullivan’s visit to China

Earlier, Axios reported, citing sources, that Sullivan will visit China next week, where he plans to meet with Foreign Minister Wang Yi.

It was also noted that the visit could pave the way for a future meeting between President Joe Biden and Chinese leader Xi Jinping.

For more information about Chinese leader Xi Jinping and his path to power, you can read RBC-Ukraine’s detailed coverage.