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Bad day for Putin. How Ukraine reacts to US Congressional vote

Bad day for Putin. How Ukraine reacts to US Congressional vote How Ukraine reacts to US Congressional vote (photo: Getty Images)

The US House of Representatives has approved aid to Ukraine. Kyiv calls it a "bad day" for Russian dictator Vladimir Putin and expects the issue to be considered quickly by the US Senate.

The publication was based on statements by President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy, Prime Minister of Ukraine Denys Shmyhal, and Minister of Foreign Affairs of Ukraine Dmytro Kuleba.


Immediately after the vote in the House of Representatives, President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy thanked everyone involved in the United States on his Twitter page. He also commented on the approval of the aid in his evening video address.

"I thank each and every one of you who supported our package: this is a life-saving solution. I hope that the consideration of the package in the US Senate and sending it to President Biden will be fast enough... Undoubtedly, we will use American support to strengthen both our nations and bring a just end to this war - a war that Putin must lose," the president said.


According to Prime Minister Denys Shmyhal on his Telegram channel, the total amount of US aid to Ukraine is almost $61 billion.

According to him, these funds will be spent in the following areas:

  • 49.9 billion - defense spending;
  • 7.8 billion - potential budget support;
  • 1.57 billion - economic assistance;
  • 400 million for border protection and humanitarian demining.

"We expect the bill to be successfully approved in the Senate in the coming days. Its implementation will mean more weapons for Ukraine, including long-range and air defense systems. Strengthening macro-financial stability, including in the financing of the highest-priority budget expenditures. Continuing rapid recovery, especially of critical infrastructure," the Prime Minister emphasized.


On his Twitter page, Foreign Minister Dmytro Kuleba called the vote in the US House of Representatives a "bad day for Putin."

"A bad day for Putin. A bad day for anyone who dared to believe that America could falter when it comes to defending what and who it stands for. We look forward to the bill's swift passage by the US Senate, its signature by the President, and to our troops feeling it on the front lines," the Foreign Minister said.

US aid to Ukraine

After almost six months, the U.S. House of Representatives has finally approved the allocation of new funds to help Ukraine. The bill, which was initiated by House Speaker Mike Johnson, was supported by 311 congressmen, while 112 were against it.

Now the bill must be considered by the Senate. To do so, senators will have to convene an extraordinary session. It is not yet known when it will be held.

Read more about the approved bill in RBC-Ukraine's article.