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Australia to transfer 30 more Bushmaster armored vehicles to Ukraine

Australia to transfer 30 more Bushmaster armored vehicles to Ukraine Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy (

Australia allocates a new package of military aid to Ukraine. It includes 30 Bushmaster armored transport vehicles, according to President of Ukraine Volodymyr Zelenskyy.

Zelenskyy held negotiations with Australian Prime Minister Anthony Albanese on the sidelines of the NATO summit. After the meeting, Zelenskyy announced that Australia is providing Ukraine with a new package of assistance.

"Thank you! A new powerful defense package, including 30 Bushmasters. As always, we have full political understanding. A successful meeting," the president wrote.

Australia's aid to Ukraine

Ahead of the NATO summit, the Australian PM announced a new aid package for Ukraine worth $73.5 million. According to him, it includes 70 armored vehicles, trucks, trailers, and special-purpose machinery.

Australia has previously provided Ukraine with dozens of Bushmaster armored transport vehicles, as well as other defense equipment and ammunition.

Zelenskyy's meetings at the NATO Summit

NATO summit is currently taking place in Vilnius. Zelenskyy himself is also present.

Today, on the second day of the summit, he held a series of meetings with the leaders of NATO states. In particular, he had negotiations with the Prime Ministers of the United Kingdom and Canada, as well as the Chancellor of Germany.

Today, a meeting between the Ukrainian leader and US President Joe Biden is also planned.