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Austin plans to participate in Ramstein despite hospitalization, Pentagon reports

Austin plans to participate in Ramstein despite hospitalization, Pentagon reports Lloyd Austin, Head of the U.S. Pentagon (Photo: Getty Images)
Author: Daria Shekina

Pentagon Chief Lloyd Austin wants to participate in the meeting of the Ukraine Defense Contact Group (the Ramstein format), despite an urgent hospitalization. The meeting will take place online on February 14, reports the Pentagon press secretary, Patrick Ryder.

Ryder confirmed rumors, which had previously appeared in the media, that Austin canceled his trip to Brussels for Ramstein and the meeting of NATO defense ministers.

According to him, the head of the Pentagon "intends to participate" in the meeting regarding assistance to Ukraine in an online format. However, this depends on his health during the meeting.

Ryder adds that for the United States in Ramstein, Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Charles Brown and Assistant Secretary of Defense for International Security Affairs at the Pentagon Celeste Wallander will participate.


Today, on February 12, there was information in the media that Pentagon chief Lloyd Austin canceled his visit to Brussels due to an urgent hospitalization.

As part of his visit, he was supposed to personally lead the meeting of the Contact Group on Defense of Ukraine in Brussels.

The 70-year-old head of the Pentagon was hospitalized due to problems with the bladder.