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Austin expresses concern over Russian military advances in Ukraine

Austin expresses concern over Russian military advances in Ukraine Photo: US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin (Getty Images)

US Secretary of Defense Lloyd Austin says that the United States is also concerned about Russia's successes in Ukraine, to which the US will continue to provide security assistance.

During a press conference in the Philippines, Austin said he is inspired by Ukraine's ability to recruit more people to strengthen its ranks.

"I applaud what the Ukrainians continue to do to make sure that they can hold their own. Ukrainians are very determined people," he said.

Russian offensive

Earlier, British intelligence reported that in July 2024, Russian troops continued their offensive in the central part of the Donetsk region. "The Russian Ground Forces made steady advances westwards, taking control of several villages and moving closer to the logistics hub of Pokrovsk," the update on July 30 stated.

According to British intelligence, Russian forces were also advancing north toward the city of New York, which has been on the front line since 2014. Battles are ongoing for the city between the Russian army and the Ukrainian Armed Forces.

Ukrainian military expert Pavlo Narozhnyy highlighted three reasons for the Russian army's advancement. According to him, the primary and largest factor is a shortage of personnel. The second issue is enemy aviation. The adversary is using a large number of KABs (guided aerial bombs), with constant shelling along the line of contact, and strikes on positions and equipment. The third reason is that weaponry from allies is arriving relatively slowly.

At the same time, the Institute for the Study of War (ISW) notes that Russia is unlikely to conduct a new summer offensive operation due to a lack of material and human resources.