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Attack on warehouse in Russia's Toropets: Important details revealed

Attack on warehouse in Russia's Toropets: Important details revealed Photo: Important details of the attack on the warehouse in Toropets, Tver region, on September 18 have emerged (still from video)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

The drone attack on the warehouse in Toropets, Tver Region, is important. In particular, an interesting historical moment can be traced here, according to Defense Express.

Historical moment

According to the authors, this strike marks a certain interesting historical moment because rarely has there been a successful moment with the explosion of an important enemy ammunition depot during a strategically important campaign, as it happened with the 107th arsenal of the Russian Ministry of Defense in Toropets.


According to the agency, the earthquake, which was caused by a detonation at the warehouse in Toropets, shows the scale of losses for the enemy from this successful attack by the Ukrainian Defence Forces much better than even the spectacular photos and videos of the explosions at this warehouse.

Because such a seismic effect could only have occurred from the simultaneous explosion of several thousand tonnes of ammunition at once, the article says.

In particular, the journalists add, the claimed 30,000 tonnes of various munitions at the blown-up 107th arsenal of the Russian Ministry of Defense is 30 kilotons (a kiloton in TNT equivalent is the measure used to measure the power of nuclear warheads - ed.)

Important warehouse for Russian grouping in Kursk region

In addition, this blown-up depot was important for supplying the Russian group that is countering the Ukrainian Defense Forces in the Kursk region.

The article notes that, therefore, the result of this attack should be sought from this perspective - that is, in limiting the capabilities of the Russian military, which is trying to counteract the operation of the Armed Forces of Ukraine in the Kursk region.

The journalists also point to the logistical component - the shells from this depot were delivered to the occupiers along a route that partially passes through Belarus.

Strike on warehouse in Toropets

On the night of September 18, the Ukrainian Defense Forces attacked a warehouse in Toropets, Tver region of Russia, with dozens of drones. It is located 500 km from the border with Ukraine.

A fire broke out at the site of the attack, and shells detonated, including those for Grad, S-300, S-400, and Iskander. The Russians also began to stockpile KN23 missiles supplied by the DPRK.

The detonation of ammunition at the Toropets depot was so strong that it caused an earthquake with a magnitude of 2.8.