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Astrological forecast for September 16: Creative energy, moon's influence, and Royal degree

Astrological forecast for September 16: Creative energy, moon's influence, and Royal degree Astrological forecast for September 16 (illustration:

This day will be influenced by the Sun and the Moon, which will be in very different degrees. The Ukrainian astrologer Kateryna Soloviova explained what needs to be done today and how to balance the energies to avoid problems.

Astroweather forecast for September 16

This day is not very suitable for starting new projects or handling important matters, and it is also not recommended to feel sad or rush things. The energy of the day promotes the discovery of knowledge sources; Monday will be a day of creativity.

"Tasks will carry full information about their completion; they will progress without requiring great effort for a successful outcome. However, longing, sadness, and melancholy may arise, which can be alleviated by useful activities and significant physical exertion," Soloviova said.

Astrological forecast for September 16: Creative energy, moon's influence, and Royal degree

Horoscope for September 16 (illustration:

Astro life hacks for Monday

September 16 is the day of the Moon. The moon is responsible for our emotions, psyche, soul, subconscious, instincts, feelings, mood, receptivity, vulnerability, and emotional variability. Its influence also lies in parental instinct, the ability to care for others, and to soothe.

"On this day, the Moon will be in a challenging aspect with Uranus (the planet of surprises, revolutionary changes, reforms, freedom, innovations, high technologies, and natural disasters) and Mercury (the planet of communication, gadgets, transportation, travel, documentation, trade, and learning)," the astrologer explained.

"As a result, there may be emotional outbursts, impulsivity, eccentricity, irritability, instability, extremism, recklessness, and increased risk, which could lead to accidents. There could be deception, fraud, and theft," she warned.

To balance the Moon's energy, try using the color white or silver, consuming dairy products, and resting near water.

Astrological forecast for September 16: Creative energy, moon's influence, and Royal degree

Astrological forecast for this Monday (illustration:

It is worth noting that on this day, from 5:29 PM to 7:06 PM (Kyiv time), the Moon will be in the destructive degree of Pisces.

"A destructive degree is a degree of sacrificial testing: only through trials can one receive help and compensation for endurance. It brings tests of strength, stamina, and resilience, and it attracts events that cause suffering and negative situations that can lead to disappointment in life, pessimism, and despair," Soloviova reminded.

"In Pisces, this degree has a destructive effect on the psyche, evokes subconscious fears, and creates the possibility of falling into psychological dependence, susceptibility to mass psychosis, disappointment in life, obstacles, and debts. It is a symbol of mistrust," she added.

This degree is also cunning, cold, aggressive, treacherous, and deceitful. It ensnares those who overuse its tricks in their own schemes. It also adds a tendency to mental illnesses, manias, destructiveness, and violence. The degree creates unstable and chaotic circumstances and dampens creative impulses, initiative, and self-confidence.

"Do not schedule important matters related to the Moon's sphere during this period (5:29 PM to 7:06 PM). If a person has enough wisdom to properly understand the situation and humbly passes all tests and trials, they can expect good compensation for their endurance and resilience," the astrologer advised.

Astrological forecast for September 16: Creative energy, moon's influence, and Royal degree

What the stars promise for this Monday (illustration:

The Sun in the Royal degree

"From 12:15 PM on September 16 to 12:51 PM on September 17, the Sun, which is responsible for our inner 'self,' consciousness, worldview, life force, energy, health, individuality, temperament, self-realization, sources of self-expression, and integrity, will be in the royal degree of Virgo," Soloviova said.

Planets and luminaries that enter this zone of powerful positive energy (royal degrees) can significantly influence people. This influence allows individuals to realize the opportunities presented to them fully.

Royal degrees, according to the astrologer, create factors of luck, success, prosperity, and satisfaction with life. These are degrees of optimism, joy, and the expectation and realization of miracles in life.

"The main characteristics of this degree in Virgo are meticulousness, precision, timeliness, and thoroughness. It grants patience, mental activity, luck, and the ability to adapt to circumstances and authority," Soloviova explained.

"This degree especially benefits the ability to absorb information and learn. It promotes concentration and intellectual enhancement and is effective for reviewing tasks and belongings, analyzing, comparing, checking, assessing the effectiveness of previous projects, understanding the circumstances of various situations, identifying shortcomings, and correcting mistakes in any sphere of life," she concluded.