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Astrological forecast for October 4: What to avoid and how to stay lucky

Astrological forecast for October 4: What to avoid and how to stay lucky Color that will bring happiness on October 4 (collage: RBC-Ukraine)

This Friday, October 4, can help you get rid of negativity and problems. However, it’s important not to forget about the Eclipse Corridor and the Black Moon, which can ruin many plans.

Astrologer Kateryna Soloviova shared her exclusive forecast and explained what this day has in store for us and what advice we should keep in mind.

Astrological weather forecast for October 4

The Eclipse Corridor is still active. In addition, the astrologer reminded us of the combination of Mercury, the Sun, and the Black Moon. Because of this, it is not recommended to clarify relationships, start anything important, or make decisions on October 4—it's better to postpone everything.

“This is an unfavorable period for new endeavors and important decisions, surgical and dental interventions, and visiting the hairdresser. Avoid sexual indulgences. Passivity can lead to increased suspicion, distrust, and deception,” says Soloviova.

“Unused energy can harm your health. This is a day for active actions, struggles, competitions, expansion, release from negative emotions and disrespect towards yourself and others, and a time to overcome undesirable traits. Luck will favor those who deeply believe in their success,” she added.

According to the astrologer, Friday marks a period of repentance, forgiveness, and correction of mistakes. Therefore, it is worth fulfilling the requests of those around you.

Astrological forecast for October 4: What to avoid and how to stay lucky

Horoscope for October 4 (illustration:

Astro life hacks for Friday

Venus, the planet of harmony, beauty, finances, creativity, art, skill, talent, and partnerships, rules October 4. Astrologers also call it "little fortune."

“Given the overall tone of the day, it’s best not to initiate new activities ruled by this planet, such as large financial transactions, marriage, new acquaintances, business registration, expensive purchases, loans, changes in personal image or home design, cosmetic, plastic, or surgical procedures, or indulging in unfamiliar foods,” the astrologer warned.

“You can balance Venusian energy through pink-colored clothing or accessories or by surrounding yourself with silk and fresh flowers (especially roses). Avoid romance and instead dedicate time to creativity,” she concluded.