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Astrological forecast for July 29: Enhance energy of Moon and Sun

Astrological forecast for July 29: Enhance energy of Moon and Sun Astro forecast for Monday (illustration:

Ukrainian astrologer Kateryna Soloviova has made a forecast for July 29. It turns out that on this day, it is worth enhancing the energy of the Moon and the Sun.

Soloviova shared what Monday holds for us and what should be done on this day.

Astrological forecast for Monday

"It is an unfavorable period for dental interventions. Apathy will be a sign of disrespect for the forces of nature and the inability to manage them. Avoid excessive sexual practices: violations of these recommendations can lead to genital diseases," the astrologer said about this day.

However, July 29 is one of the most favorable days of the month for new ventures, important decisions, surgical interventions, visits to the hairdresser, and conceiving a child. It is a day of awakening the energies of nature that promote creation, and one can receive revelations and powerful strength.

The energy of the Moon is very strong and requires mandatory realization. Therefore, the main advice for Monday is:

  • Engage in large-scale long-term projects
  • Physical activities, special exercises, and yoga are necessary
  • Engage in active creative work

Astrological forecast for July 29: Enhance energy of Moon and Sun

Horoscope for July 29 (illustration:

What this day brings us

On Monday, Soloviova notes, it is the day of the Moon, which is responsible for our emotions, psyche, soul, subconscious, instincts, feelings, mood, sensitivity, vulnerability, and emotional variability.

Its influence also lies in the foundation of the parental instinct, the ability to care for others, and to calm.

"The Moon will be in Taurus, one of its best positions. It is a favorable time for those whose activities are related to the earth, its fruits, chemistry, hygiene, business, water, music, and singing. Enhance the energy of the Moon with white color, silver, consumption of dairy products, and rest near a body of water," the astrologer advises.

Astrological forecast for July 29: Enhance energy of Moon and Sun

Tips for July 29 (illustration:

The Sun in Leo - What Monday will bring us

"On July 29 until 18:36 (Kyiv time), the Sun, which is responsible for our inner 'I,' consciousness, worldview, world perception, vitality, energy, health, individuality, temperament, self-realization, sources of self-expression, and integrity, will be in the royal degree of Leo," Soloviova said.

"Planets and celestial bodies that fall into this zone of powerful positive energy of the royal degrees can significantly influence people. This influence allows one to realize the opportunities provided fully. Royal degrees create a factor of luck, success, and life satisfaction," she emphasized.

These degrees bring optimism, joy, and miracles. Their main characteristics in Leo are wisdom, exceptionality, courage, humanity, physical and moral strength.

According to Soloviova, creativity is added to people's lives. Therefore, those who are engaged in art or public speaking will benefit from this degree with success and incredible luck.

"The degree gives impressiveness, grandeur, and royal tranquility. It is necessary to internally generate and maintain states of happiness, joy, satisfaction, and generosity to realize all the positive possibilities of this position," Soloviova concluded.