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Astrological forecast for August 21: Navigating Mercury's challenges

Astrological forecast for August 21: Navigating Mercury's challenges Photo: Astrologer made a forecast for August 21 (

On Wednesday, August 21, Mercury might present some challenging situations. However, it is quite possible to shield yourself from its negative effects.

Ukrainian astrologer Kateryna Solovieva provided a full forecast for August 21 and shared what should be done on this day and what should be avoided.

Astro weather forecast for August 21

Remember the unfavorable period for new ventures, important decisions, surgical procedures, and visits to the hairdresser.

Due to Mercury's retrograde, Solovieva advised against planning serious matters for this day. However, dental procedures are permissible.

"If the energy of this day is misused or if one creates limitations for themselves, it could lead to weakened immunity, deteriorated health, and nervous system disturbances," said the astrologer.

"Useful activities include group discussions, business meetings, and diligent work. The day's energy supports inner freedom, accumulation, fertility, joy of existence, and love," she added.

Group exercises, tantric practices, and transformation of sexual energy will also be beneficial, but one should not lose control: the day brings a lot of uncontrollable energy. This Wednesday is a day for forgiveness and duty.

Astrological forecast for August 21: Navigating Mercury's challenges

Horoscope for August 21 (illustration:

Astrological tips for Wednesday

"August 21 is Mercury's day, the planet of communication, gadgets, transportation, travel, documentation, trade, and learning," Solovieva explained.

"Avoid unnecessary chatter, gossip, and misinformation. Be mindful of your belongings to avoid losing them. Deception and fraud are possible," she added.

During Mercury retrograde, the following activities will be effective:

  • Revisiting previous projects
  • Reconnecting with former acquaintances
  • Retaking exams
  • Traveling to places previously visited
  • Searching for lost items and recovering clients
  • Analyzing and gathering necessary information
  • Studying and researching various situations.

It will be a good day for communicating with siblings.

"To enhance Mercury's energy, try using beeswax products (such as cosmetics or other items made from it) or simply light beeswax candles," advised Solovieva.

"Consume hard cheeses. Intellectual leisure activities will be appropriate: watching films, playing logic games, conversing with pleasant people, and reading interesting books," she concluded.

Additionally, the Tarot horoscope for August 21 has already been released.