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Astrologer’s forecast on October 11: How to attract luck and what to do

Astrologer’s forecast on October 11: How to attract luck and what to do What to do on October 11 (illustration:
Author: Bohdan Babaiev

This Friday, October 11, it might be wise to cancel specific plans, as they may not yield the desired outcome. In addition, consider the influence of Venus.

Ukrainian astrologer Kateryna Solovyova, exclusively for RBC-Ukraine (Styler project), shared what the new day has in store for us and which activities should be avoided.

Astrological forecast on October 11

"An unfavorable time for new ventures, important decisions, surgical or dental procedures, and visiting the hairdresser. The period is stressful until 4:10 PM (Kyiv time), and the day's energy negatively impacts people. There may be feelings of anxiety, fear, dark thoughts, it is easy to fall prey to illusions, deception, and temptations," Solovyova warned.

Expressing egoism and arrogance will lead to dire consequences, the astrologer noted. Therefore, avoid negative emotions.

The expert gave the following advice:

  • Transform your fears into positive qualities using psycho-correction methods;
  • Finish current tasks and do routine work;
  • It is a good day to help others;
  • Physical exercise and cleansing procedures are beneficial;
  • Men are encouraged to give women gifts, even symbolic ones.

Які знаки Зодіаку отримають шанс на мільйон (ілюстрація:

Horoscope for October 11 (illustration:

Astrological lifehacks for Friday

"October 11 is the day of Venus, the planet of harmony, beauty, finances, creativity, art, craftsmanship, talent, and partnerships. Astrologers also call it the 'lesser fortune,'" Solovyova explained.

Due to the overall energy of the day, it's better not to initiate new activities associated with this planet, such as:

  • Major financial payments;
  • Getting married;
  • New acquaintances;
  • Registering a business;
  • Expensive purchases or taking out loans;
  • Updating your personal image or redesigning your apartment;
  • New cosmetic, plastic surgery, or other medical procedures;
  • Trying unfamiliar foods.

"You can balance the Venusian theme by incorporating pink and silk into your clothing or accessories. Surround yourself with fresh flowers, refrain from romance, and instead, listen to music or study art," the astrologer concluded.

In addition, we recently published which zodiac signs will be auspicious by the end of the fall.