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Arrest of Durov: Telegram founder's brother also wanted by French authorities

Arrest of Durov: Telegram founder's brother also wanted by French authorities Photo: Nikolai Durov, brother of Telegram CEO Pavel Durov (Russian media)

In March 2024, French authorities issued arrest warrants for Telegram CEO Pavel Durov and his brother Nikolai, Politico informs.

According to an administrative document obtained by Politico, the investigation into Telegram turned out to be "wider" and began several months earlier than previously known.

The case revolves around the messaging platform's refusal to cooperate with French police in an investigation into child sexual abuse. Arrest warrants for Pavel and Nikolai Durov were issued on March 25 after Telegram failed to provide an "answer" to previous court requests for the identification of a Telegram user.

The document also highlights the "non-existent cooperation" from Telegram with French and European authorities in other cases.

Pavel and Nikolai Durov are accused of "complicity in possessing, distributing, offering or making available pornographic images of minors, in an organized group."

According to the document, the platform does not cooperate with the authorities and is also used by "numerous criminal groups," which "justifies" the issuance of arrest warrants.

"There’s no suggestion either of the Durov brothers were directly involved in any of the illegal activities identified by the investigation," Politico adds.

Arrest of Durov

On the evening of August 24, Telegram founder Durov was detained at an airport near Paris. According to law enforcement agencies, Durov is suspected of money laundering, terrorism, fraud, and other offenses, which could lead to a possible prison sentence of up to 20 years.

Telegram's administration denies these allegations, claiming that Durov is innocent and that the social network complies with all European Union regulations.

You can read more about the details of Telegram founder Durov's detention in the RBC-Ukraine material.