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Armenia frozen participation in CSTO at all levels - Armenian PM

Armenia frozen participation in CSTO at all levels - Armenian PM Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan (photo: Getty Images)

The Republic of Armenia has frozen its participation in the Collective Security Treaty Organization (CSTO) at all levels. The country considers this decision sufficient, says Armenian Prime Minister Nikol Pashinyan.

In particular, speaking at a press conference at the Karen Demirchyan Sports and Concert Complex, Pashinyan raised the question of what needs to happen for Armenia to withdraw from the CSTO.

“There may be discussions. One may say that it is enough, another may say that it is not enough, but here we need to look at who has what evaluative powers. I respect all points of view, but on the other hand, we have made the decision we have made,” said the Armenian Prime Minister.

Pashinyan added that at the moment “we do not see” the need to make another decision. However, this does not mean that the country will not see the need to make another decision at a later date.

Armenia's withdrawal from the CSTO

The Armenian authorities began to sharply criticize the CSTO for its inaction when Azerbaijan launched its operation in Nagorno-Karabakh in September 2023. Since then, Armenia has begun to move closer to the West and away from Russia.

Since March 2024, Pashinyan has repeatedly stated that the country will withdraw from the CSTO. He also claimed that two countries from the organization helped Azerbaijan in preparing for an operation against Armenia in 2023.

Earlier, Armenia refused to participate in the CSTO exercises in August 2024. This was the fourth refusal of the country to participate in the exercises.