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Airfields, command centers, oil depots: UK intelligence names Russian targets in Crimea

Airfields, command centers, oil depots: UK intelligence names Russian targets in Crimea Photo: An oil terminal was burned down in Feodosia (Russian media)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Ukraine's strikes on the territory of Russia-occupied Crimea are increasingly reducing the peninsula's military potential. Among the affected facilities are airfields, command centers, oil depots, and the Crimean Bridge, according to the UK Ministry of Defense.

The General Staff of the Armed Forces of Ukraine confirmed that Ukraine struck an offshore oil terminal in Feodosia in Russian-occupied Crimea on October 7, 2024. Earlier in March 2024, the terminal was attacked by Ukrainian unmanned aerial vehicles.

The UK Ministry of Defense released a picture of the burning terminal.

Airfields, command centers, oil depots: UK intelligence names Russian targets in Crimea

Photo: UK Ministry of Defense

According to UK intelligence, Ukrainian strikes continue to gradually weaken Russian military capabilities on the Crimean peninsula.

“Targets struck in 2024 have also included air-defense systems, airfields, command centers, naval facilities, logistics sites, and the Kerch Strait crossing,” the UK Ministry of Defense says.

Crimea's largest oil terminal in Feodosia, which was attacked by the Ukrainian military on October 7, was on fire for about a week.

For several days, tanks exploded on the territory of the oil depot. Russian occupiers were forced to evacuate the population.

The fire damaged 12 tanks, eight of which were destroyed. The buildings on the territory of the base also burned down. In addition to the tanks, the terminal's infrastructure was also heavily damaged.