9 signs of toxic friendship: When to end communication

Few can imagine their lives without friends. Communication, walks, support, and fun moments – friendship is extremely important. But sometimes, toxicity ruins everything. And then a person simply becomes used to it.
Hack Spirit, lists the main signs of toxic friendship that you shouldn't ignore.
Constant negativity.
Friendship should bring joy above all, and if you constantly feel stressed, that's not good. Consider what keeps you constantly in a negative state and why you endure it.
The friend is never there when they are really needed.
A good friend is someone you can rely on, someone who stands by you in tough times. But if a person doesn't support you in difficult moments but willingly communicates when everything is fine, it's worth reflecting on. Real friends are always there, not just when it's convenient for them.
Your feelings are constantly dismissed.
If you don't feel appreciated or heard, and your emotions are disregarded, it's certainly not about friendship. A toxic person nearby is merely pretending to be a friend.
How to understand that a friend has become toxic (photo: freepik.com)
You're constantly giving but not receiving anything in return. When you notice that your friend easily accepts your help but never wants to perform kind acts as a sign of mutual respect, you should be cautious. Perhaps you're simply being used, and then it's certainly not friendship.
You're losing trust. If you know that your friend might gossip about you or disclose your secrets in conversations with others, trusting relationships disappear. But why would you need someone who doesn't respect your interests and disregards what yo
How to understand that a friend has become toxic (photo: freepik.com)
There's a sense of competition. Of course, some level of competition might exist between friends, but it should only be about mutual support, not hostility. When your friend tries to outshine you in everything and doesn't hide their envy, it's a sign of toxicity.
Your friend doesn't respect your boundaries. When someone constantly puts you in awkward situations, embarrasses you, appears unannounced, or openly disregards your plans for their own benefit, it's worth reconsidering if that person is really your friend. And if you're trying to establish boundaries but nothing changes, it might be time to end the friendship.
You're constantly justifying their behavior. Experts believe this is the most crucial sign. When you have to defend a friend from criticism, yet they constantly make you feel ashamed, it's no longer a friendship. The person simply lives as they please, regardless of your feelings.