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9 ideas for what to do with old books

9 ideas for what to do with old books What you can do with old books (illustrative photo: Freepik)
Author: Liliana Oleniak

Books can be treasures that preserve stories and knowledge, or they can be unnecessary junk. It can be difficult to decide what to do with old books, but there are many ways to do it, depending on the condition of the book.

RBC-Ukraine dwells on what you can do with old books.

Give it to library

An old book that is in good condition can be useful to someone else. So you can donate old books to your local library or thrift store. However, be sure to find out the requirements for books in the chosen institutions first.

Use bookcrossing

Similar to the previous option, bookcrossing helps books find new owners. Sometimes this initiative involves the exchange of books, sometimes it involves donating books by leaving them in a special box.


Old books can still find a new reader. In addition to libraries and thrift stores, there are book-selling communities and even websites.

Place an ad following the recommendations on the chosen site, with clear photos and a detailed description, so that the book finds an owner faster.

Send them for recycling

If your books are not in the best condition, consider recycling them. Some local recycling programs accept paperbacks and hardcovers.

Use them for papier-mâché

Old books can be used to make paper sculptures by turning them into papier-mâché. To do this, tear the pages into small shreds and soak them in a solution of water and glue. To get a homogeneous consistency of the mass for creating small details, it is recommended to scroll the wet paper through a meat grinder.

Make planter

Use a utility knife to cut a hole in an old book large enough for a small potted plant. You can usually only cut about 30 pages at a time, so be patient and continue until you make a hole deep enough for the pot.

Place a plastic container inside, lower the plant into it, and you will have a planter that will delight a book lover. Place a drought-tolerant plant in the planter so that you don't have to water it often, such as succulents.

Turn book into secret box

You can turn a book into a box for storing things - or for wrapping a gift. Cut a hole in a hardcover book and turn it into a box where you can hide a spare key, a secret note, or money. First, you need to glue the pages together.

When the glue is dry, open the book and use a utility knife to cut a hole in the glued pages. Cut through layers of pages until you get the hole to the desired depth.

Apply a solution of glue and water to the inside of the hole. When it dries, fill your secret bookcase with things and place it on a shelf with other books.

Make bookmark out of book spines

Use a utility knife to cut off the spines of old hardcover books. Drill a hole in the top of each cover and thread a strip of leather or ribbon through it as an accent. These make great gifts for book lovers.

Use as craft paper

Old books can be the material for an entire genre of crafts. Turn an old hardcover book into a creative sketchbook by drawing, painting, or creating collages right on the printed pages.

Read also how to reuse old clothes.

Sources: Better Homes & Gardens, YouTube channel Handicrafts, the website of the Sense bookstore, the Instagram page of the waste sorting station Ukraine without Waste, and the official Facebook page of Kyiv Metro.