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8 unexpected things doctors advise to do every day to improve brain health

8 unexpected things doctors advise to do every day to improve brain health What habits are good for the brain (photo: Freepik)

Brain health is an important component of a person's overall health. The brain provides the ability to communicate and make decisions. There are certain habits that will improve cognitive health, reports Eating well.


Neurosurgeon Sheri Devan said that one of the daily health rituals he practices is a 10-15 minute morning meditation.

Studies have shown that meditation helps strengthen the prefrontal cortex, which is involved in processing, decision-making, and planning.

The area of the brain helps to perform high-level activities as well as daily tasks. Staying focused and alert with daily practice is just as important as a balanced diet.

Green tea

Neuroscientist Yuko Hara said that green tea contains several compounds that may have brain benefits, such as caffeine, L-theanine, and catechins.

They can help with various aspects of cognitive function, such as mood, memory, and attention, and may also help prevent dementia.


Experts advise eating plenty of fruit every day, especially dark berries like blueberries and blackberries. They contain compounds called anthocyanins, which have antioxidant, anti-inflammatory, and brain-protective properties.

Add berries to smoothies, use as a topping for yogurt, or eat a handful as a snack.


Leafy greens like spinach, kale, and lettuce are packed with nutrients linked to improved brain health. They also help reduce the risk of dementia.

Sleep schedule

7-8 hours of sleep each night is associated with optimal cognitive function. Sleep is very important for strengthening memory. Toxic compounds are also flushed out of the brain during sleep.

And you should get up and go to bed at the same time every day.

Learn new information

Caroline Leaf, PhD, noted that this acts as a regular brain development exercise that "feeds" the brain with new and complex information that is well absorbed.

To develop your brain means to develop resilience and intelligence. It changes the way energy flows through the brain, optimizing its function and cognitive flexibility.

One great way to develop your brain is to read a book or listen to a podcast.


Maintaining a regular yoga practice is another step in optimizing brain health. Research suggests that yoga has a positive effect on cognitive functions, including attention and processing speed, as well as executive functions such as planning and impulse control.

It may also help to counteract age-related cognitive decline.


Neurologist Pooja Aggarwal explained that when the body is hydrated, the brain has to work much harder to perform even the simplest tasks.

This material is for informational purposes only and should not be used for medical diagnosis or self-treatment. Our goal is to provide readers with accurate information about symptoms, causes, and methods of detecting diseases. RBС-Ukraine is not responsible for any diagnoses that readers may make based on materials from the resource. We do not recommend self-treatment and advise consulting a doctor in case of any health concerns.